he's such a really really great man for me and of cos for my siblings too. tak pernah merungut bila anak dia nak something especially bab makan. Ayah asked me : "kenapa along duduk Shah Alam makin kurus? tension ke?" my answer : "ehh taklah ayah, yaa kne naik tangga batu cave hari2, then sometimes yaa makan sekali sehari je sbb malas nk pergi beli. hehehe" he replied : "okay malam ni let me treat you seafood for dinner!" (padahal mmg selalu ayah je byr.haha)
ana, ibu and angah <3
angah jeling air fresh orange ayah. hahaha
Shark's fin soup for the first time. alahai noob nyaa. hehe. dh lama nak try tp mne mampu duit sendiri. so pakai duit bos ape lagi. ehee
mouth-watering ahhhh? yes it is. yummm
well perut sudah konyang mari berjalan ke pasar karat. actually dh bosan dh pergi sini tp nk buat mcm mana, ni jela yang ade dekat JB. hmm boleh lahh. :)
there are too many people here but its okay, baru meletopp tak gitu? hehe
ohh i love balloons. i really hope that one day dpt main balloons ni dgn my husband and my children. AMIN.
dah la tu, balik jomm. ibu dh menguap byk kali. hehe.thanks ayah for the wonderful night. xoxo.