
Sunday, May 15, 2011


this is not the first time i dtg sni, but this is the first time i dtg dgn all my siblings, yela uols pun fhm kn kn? adik i yg lelaki uh jarang nk kluar, tp kli ni i berjaya memujuk die utk kluar. mklumla, ayah xde, pegi BATAM main golf, ibu klau mlm mmg malas nk kluar so dorg hrapkn i jela.hee.

haha, dh mcm ular i tgk ice cream uh, naga pun ade gak. yg pnting sodapp.

yumm yumm.

 huagaga, muke cmni biasela excited makan ice cream, mcm xpnah mkn jee.

yeayy dh habis. ahhaa.

ehh model ni, mne bole terlepas. keh kehh.

bestt dohhh, sekali skale korg pegila tutti frutti nti i ckp ngn pkcik i bg discount kt uols ehh. haha. okay menipu, i ni pun xdpt discount, ape lg korangg.