
Friday, February 26, 2010

cool! bpe hari lg nk balik jb ni. uwaaa. mumy dady. nk blik jb. tp xpe ifla not bad jgak . hehe. nk tau ifla uh ape? ifla uh IIUM la. IIUM uh ape? astaufirullah. org jawa ckp UIA laa, hahahaha. i amik english for spm leavers kt sni. not bad. my english was quite good enough now. da bole jd cikgu bi. da, HAHAHAHA. belagak suda ** best dok kt sni. tp kpale pening nk mmpus ahh. everyday ade presentation ktorg kne buat. 3 of them, in group, then in pair and lastly single work. tis is my topic that i buad mse presentation.
single work : Concert should be abolished
pair work : How to wear a shawl
group work: Married while studying

for me the most challenging task when duin single work. bygkan. ktorg ade 2 hri nk siapkan task ni padahal ktorg ade task pasal demonstration uhh. pening pening. ade smpi nk give up uhh, nk balik tp ble pkir blik mcm looser pulakk en. hee. xjdla balik. them finally i berjaya jgak wat single work uhh, fuhh, bpeluh jwb soalan dorg yg argue ngn i pasal concert should be abolished. bg dorg is no fun la if no concert! tp i bilas habis2, dlm hati rse mcm dkt court je. hahahahah. ready nk jd lawyer bebeh ;)