
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Caught On Camera

its already 2.15a.m and well i can't sleep! huaaa. lately tido tak nyenyak mandi tak basah. cehh. geli pulak. cepatlah balik wahai buah hati oi. so utk hilangkan boring n kesedihan ape kte webcam-ing jom :)

i can't stop laughing when look at those pictures. padehal muka sendiri. haha. 

pink lipstick version

red lipstick version

but i love this one compared to the others. i feel like, wahh im proud to be a muslim girl

is that me? yeke? mcm lain je? hihi. *ketawa gedik.

p/s : kalau ade yg nk sepak i laju laju lepas tengok all those pictures sila lahh. i bersedia. sbb i pun rse mcm nk sepak muka i. haha