
Sunday, April 10, 2011


uols minat mkn ice cream tak? surela suke kn kn? sape tak suke bole bla. hee. dsebabkan i sedaya upaya nk gemuk, so ape lg, knela mkn something yg bercholestrol and also bercalcium. hee. so my mom pun suggest something to me...

ibu : yaa buat ice cream laa.
me : bole jgak, tp kn klau xsedap mcm mne?
ibu : xksahla sdap ke x, mne ade org buat sumthing trus perfect kn? nme pun ice cream sure sodap punyooo.
me : hee. okayyy i'll try :)
so, boring2 xde wtpe kt rmh i pun bkak website n find out ingredients nk wat ice cream. hee. excited pulak bile tgk rmai bg feedback ckp sodapp. so ape lg, tgn ni sudah gatal nk main pondok2 (alaa yg mse kecit kite main 2, tp ni real punye).
1) What We Need

 - Coffemate (must have)
- Fresh milk (any brand n flavour) (must have)
- Chipsmore (any brand) (xde pun okay)

next alat yg dperlukan

-blender n cups. (sikit je kn)

Next, u sukat fresh milk 2 1/2 pkai cups yg kecit 2. then msuk dlm blender.

Then, u sukat pulak coffemate 2 1/2 sme mcm fresh milk td then msuk dlm blender jgak. so hasilya.. tadaaa

okay afta dh combine both of this ingredients korg blend la dlm 5 mnute or less, then smbil tnggu yg blend td siap uols hancurkan chipsmore td.

 buatla seberapa byk yg korg nak but tgglkn skit untuk buat topping okay?

then cmpur dlm blender yg ade combination of fresh milk n coffemate td n blend it again for 5 mnutes.
*chipsmore 2 additional ingredients, xde pun xpe n klau uols gune OREO lg sdap :)

so afta 5 mnutes, uols msukkan ape yg dlm blender td dlm tupperware ice cream, klau tupperware biase pun bolehhh.

then msukkan lah dlm freezer for 1whole day. sure esk die beku and dh bole mkn, ohh yeah about the topping, td i dh sruh uols tgglkan skit chipsmore kn? so before msukkan dlm freezer uols ltak la chipsmore kt atas ice cream ni and as a result (wahh pndi gune markers ni) hoho.

JENG JENG JENGGG! jadila Chocolate Ice Cream with Chipsmore. n insyaALLAH i'll guaranty kt uols mmg sodapp laa. SIMPLE and EASY right?

*Goodluck n All The Best